
In the last five years, the UPSA has undergone an intense and productive process of internationalization, matching up with the new trends and modern education systems in an increasingly globalized world.

The professor training program in the use of ICT and the Virtual Platform, especially, the language training program (mainly English, plus Portuguese and Italian) are internal actions carried out to support this important process through the Continuing Education Unit.

It is also worthwhile to mention, that the increase in size of the English library and the promotion of a bilingual environment in the University through new curriculums that incorporate lectures dictated in that language.

Equally significant accomplishments include the approach to international cooperation agencies and the development of a dozen international research projects, in which UPSA professors and students participate in direct interaction with dozens of universities from different parts of the world, assuming a leading role in academic globalization. In this strategic framework, student and professor fake rolex mobility has been increasing, requiring the creation of a unit especially dedicated to supporting these actions.

Internationalization also includes the consolidation of important international memberships, such as El Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo- CINDA (the Interuniversity Development Center), La Red Latinoamericana de Cooperación Universitaria – RLCU (the Latin American University Cooperation Network), La Organización Universitaria Interamericana- OUI (the Inter-American University Organization), UNIVERSIA and other Latin American and global organizations.

Thanks to these actions, the UPSA has managed to implement semester studies and internships in North, Central and South America as well as in Europe for more than a hundred students in a variety of field replica Rolex, expanding their horizons through enriching, professional and academic experiences. In the same way, dozens of professors and researchers of the UPSA, and their peers from abroad, have had the opportunity to be part of scholarship and exchange programs, empowering the faculty in this regard.